Elevate your online presence to the next level.
SMG offers consultancy services to large businesses or corporations who often have their own resources but need help identifying and planning the most effective Website Marketing Strategies for their organisation.
Your consultant will dive deeply into your online presence, assessing its current performance, identifying potential growth opportunities and recommending a Website Marketing Growth Plan for your business. Upon implementation, your Consultant will conduct monthly reviews and analyses to track and report progress used to further maximise conversions.
As Your Partner Online, SMG’s Consultants will help you elevate your online presence to the next level.

Lead Consultant

Our lead consultant is SMG’s Managing Director, Paul Egan, who is available for Online Marketing Consultancy on a retainer basis to customers demonstrating a strong commitment to growth.
Paul established SMG in 2001, which has since grown to be one of Brisbane’s most respected full-service website hosting and website marketing companies, servicing thousands of clients all over Australia and overseas.
His experience creating and marketing websites is extensive, overseeing the creation of over 2,500 websites and their ongoing maintenance and promotion.
Paul’s knowledge extends to many different markets, and his experience in website design and marketing makes him a sought-after consultant. His expertise lies in online marketing strategies, website audits, analysis, and conversion strategies.
Paul’s retainer covers consultancy advice only. You can use your own networks/resources for website design and marketing if you wish or engage SMG’s services for implementation.
Paul is also a Google™ qualified professional.
On a more personal note, Paul enjoys bike riding and is heavily involved in fundraising for Cancer Research through Tour de Cure.
If you are interested in retaining Paul’s services, please email him directly to set up an initial meeting to discuss your expectations and assess if you are a good fit for each other.